Mothers are the backbone of families and the glue that holds them together…. would you not agree? The impact of mothers on society is invaluable! As we celebrate the most important of all holidays, our MOTHERS, it’s always wonderful to reflect on the impact that they have on each of us. Indeed they play an instrumental role in shaping the lives of their children and creating a stable and nurturing environment in which they can thrive. However, mothers don’t just impact their own families…… additionally they have a significant impact on society as a whole.
I was with my granddaughters all this past week, and was reminded of the tremendous impact we as women have on our children. Without a doubt, they rely on us for so much, as they should. The moral support we can give them and the confidence we can instill is crucial in today’s society! Being an example of gratitude and optimism will teach them more than we realize! Certainly mothers and grandmothers are key in helping children build resilience and coping skills through the adversity they will face.
Unquestionably, my mother taught me all of this! She made parenting look easy as she raised ten children with my daddy! Without a doubt he was the disciplinarian, however my mom was the one that was the more sensitive parent! Without a doubt she worked tirelessly at providing a safe and well-kept home for us to live. She was ALWAYS THERE for us. Coming home to the aroma of her homemade bread or chocolate cake, was especially comforting!
This cake brings back many memories. I wanted to share it with you in her honor! While I haven’t made it for years, we have sure enjoyed it! My mama used to make this for me every year for my birthday. Indeed I’ve missed it since her passing. I hope you’ll try it and I hope that you’ll LOVE it as much as I do! In our opinion, it’s the best chocolate cake you’ll ever have!
1 T vinegar
1 C milk
1 square of softened butter
2 C sugar
1/2 C cocoa
2 eggs
1/2 t salt
1 t vanilla
2 1/2 C flour
2 t baking soda
1 C hot water
Add vinegar to milk, set aside. Cream together butter, sugar and cocoa. Add eggs, salt and vanilla. Add milk mixture and flour alternately. Put soda in water and add to mixture. Pour into a 9×13 greased and floured pan (or PAM baking spray). Bake at 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Frost when cool with your favorite frosting or dust with powdered sugar!
I miss my mama every day! I wonder often what she’s doing up in heaven with my daddy. Even though she’s been gone now for two years, I still have moments when I want to call her and get her advice or ask her a question. Obviously she played a vital part in who I am and I will always look up to her and honor her the best way I know how. To my angel mother….. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Your Mama’s cake recipe looks awesome and thank you for sharing!!
Can you please provide the icing recipe? I can not seem to pull up the link to it.
Thank you for all the inspiration!!
Hey Susan….. question for you! A lady in the gym yesterday (I think her name is KIM) said she had asked for the frosting recipe for the cake. I thought it was YOU from my blog post. Are you really a KIM or are you Susan? She wanted the recipe book and I need to give her the information. Just don’t know if you are her. I hope that makes sense?? LOL!
Hi Shauna,
I am Susan lol!! I did try to get the ingredients on another person that asked for it but for some reason it never showed on my screen.
Good luck finding Kim and maybe you can share the frosting recipe?
Thank you and by the way you are a great inspriation for me on many levels.
God Bless,
Sue Ray
Hello Susan…. thank you for reading! The frosting I left out because it’s such a personal thing, but this is the recipe I use…
1 cube butter
3 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla
Milk/half n half/whipping cream (whatever I have in my fridge)— enough to get the right consistency. Add 1 Tbsp at a time.
Sometimes I’ll use Carnation canned milk instead of the half n half.
THANKS AGAIN for stopping by and best wishes with the CAKE! It’s delicious! And HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! XOXO
Oh geez I just saw the recipe!!
Thanks so much!!
Lovely post Shauna. I check in on you everyday, you are a class act, your pose and humility always shine through. Difficult to do on social media I would image.
Hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day.
Hello Karna….. wow thank you so much! That’s very sweet of you to say! Working in the social media field is definitely a challenge and you always have to be on your toes!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for following along! It really does mean the world to me! Hope your day was wonderful too! Come back again soon! XO