A HAT Can Change Everything

Did you know that A HAT CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING? Women say to me all the time…. I wish I could wear a hat! I think anyone can wear a hat IF they have the confidence to pull it off. IF they feel comfortable and good and pretty in a hat, they can most assuredly pull it off!

I have ALWAYS loved hats. This one from Gigi Pip was sent to me a few weeks ago. This hat shop was right down the street from me when I lived in Salt Lake. They have fabulous hats! This white one is beautiful for spring and summer. I love the high fedora style. It’s the best style for me and feel the most comfortable in this type.

Mine just barely sold out, but here’s my next FAVORITE FOR SUMMER!

I don’t feel comfortable in just ANY hat. Baseball hats are a big NO for me. I’ve never liked them on me! The big huge floppy sun hat is another NO for me! It’s too overwhelming and I seriously feel awkward in them. The drivers cap is out for me as well. It’s too flat and does nothing for my face shape! Really bad. I LOVE beanies but they have to be a little tall. No skin-tight kind for me! So, you see that I DON’T feel good in just any hat.

Here is a little sampling of some FABULOUS hats….. I would wear any one of these!

Now…. before I say goodbye, I HAVE to show you THREE fun ways to STYLE these kaki pants!!! And notice how a HAT can change everything!

ENJOY the rest of your week friends!!!! Mid-way through and getting ready for FAMILY REUNIONS over here at my house!

Shauna XO

Blogs here and here showcasing my HATS!

2 thoughts on “A HAT Can Change Everything

    1. Hi Susan, I just went on to check and they aren’t on sale anymore! SO SORRY! They are a really great pair of pants. I’ll keep an eye out and let you know if they go on sale again! XO

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