A More Detailed Look In To My Workout

A More Detailed Look In To My Workout


A lot of you have asked to see a more detailed look in to my workout. My workouts really are pretty simple, and it’s like I’ve said with many things, CONSISTENCY is the most important! I am so consistent it’s sometimes annoying! LOL! I have been known to get teased a bit about how diligent I am about my morning routine!

My exercise is such a big part of every single day. There are so many benefits to it, and I feel 1000 X better when I get my workout in. I’m more energized, clear headed, and overall physically HEALTHIER….. you just can’t beat it! WORKING OUT IS WORTH IT AND IT Β DEFINITELY PAYS OFF!

A More Detailed Look In To My Workout


I workout six days a week, taking Sundays off. I prefer the gym, although this year one of my goals is to take it outdoors more.Β I have to be super careful with my feet because I have implants in my toe joints….. so I do a lot of low-impact. Walking outside hasn’t always felt like a full workout to me, because I’m not sweating as much as I’d like. But THIS YEAR I’m going to make myself get out more and JUST WALK to walk. I’m such a cardio junkie, and this will be super hard, but I’m going to give it an honest effort!

My CARDIO is ALWAYS 60 minutes. This is a mix of the elliptical trainer, treadmill, walking outdoors, or jump roping. As I said, I like to keep things low-impact as much as possible. I like my heart rate getting up in to the 140’s. If I don’t REALLY SWEAT, I don’t feel like I’m getting enough of a workout. REMEMBER…… the harder your heart is beating, the more you’ll burn. You WILL lose weight IF you are burning more than you are taking in.

I lift weights or do some sort of weight routine three times a week after my cardio. Sometimes I’ll add it in to my cardio workout like a circuit training type of workout. So for example, at 30 min in to my cardio, I’ll jump off my machine and do a set of squats with bicep curls, and then a set of push-ups. I’ll go back and forth until I’ve done 4 sets. Then I’ll do the same except for do burpees and then a shoulder-press. These are all with free weights. I use 10-15 lbs in each hand. I make sure I target opposing muscle groups…. biceps/triceps, hamstrings/quads, etc. I like to target all the muscle groups within my weight routine.

I will end with 5-10 minutes of abs, either planks or presses or whatever feels interesting. Afterwards I ALWAYS take at least 10 minutes to stretch everything out. Like a mini yoga session perhaps. Stretching is so SO important especially as you age. Our bodies get extremely tight, so it’s always vital to me, to take that time to stretch!!!!!


When I travel YES…… I still workout. It could just be within my own hotel room, jumping the rope or aerobic dance, whatever. But, yes ALWAYS! As I said earlier though, I’m trying to have more days where I’m just walking or enjoying being out moving, and not necessarily working out. This is SUPER HARD for me to do, but honestly, I’m doing pretty dang good so far. I walked once last week for an hour and ten minutes, and again today! Always important to change things up too!

A More Detailed Look In To My Workout

Stay healthy everyone, and remember how important the word CONSISTENCY is!!!!

Shauna XO

Related BLOG HERE.

Shop one of my FAVORITE workout brands HERE.



5 thoughts on “A More Detailed Look In To My Workout

  1. Brilliant!! Thank you!!
    We’re isolating as of today as my son has tested
    Covid positive today on his Bday!!
    I will need to be creative to stay in routine!! 😝😘😘😍

    1. Jo hopefully over it soon! I’m so done with COVID as most of us are! BEST WISHES, and use your creativity!!! XO

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