Have you ever had a SKIRT ALERT girls? What I mean is…… you are wearing a flirty skirt or dress, and it’s windy outside? You’re walking down the sidewalk, and then all of the sudden…… well, you know the rest! The wind catches your skirt and you suddenly feel the wind where you shouldn’t be feeling the wind! Oh my heavens! That’s an embarrassing moment!

Girls…. I have a solution for you! You CAN wear your flirty skirts and dresses on ANY kind of a day! Even when it’s windy! You won’t have to worry anymore about those gusts that suddenly come from nowhere! This is called the SKIRT ALERT! This could become one of the most important accessories you’ll ever own!

The SKIRT ALERT is a one-of-a-kind stretchy band, that goes around the bottom of your skirt. It closes with a magnet, so it’s super easy to quickly wrap around the bottom so as to not be surprised by the wind. You can easily carry this in your bag, and have it on in seconds!

You’ll be able to walk confidently through town or through anywhere. If you’re a mama or a grandma and happen to be chasing around those little people…. the SKIRT ALERT is the perfect gadget to put on so you can move with ease!

You’ll be able to walk confidently through town or through anywhere. If you’re a mama or a grandma and happen to be chasing around those little people…. the SKIRT ALERT is the perfect gadget to put on so you can move with ease!

What a great little invention…. right ladies? I love mine and was excited to share it with you! This is CREATED BY WOMEN and MADE BY WOMEN and FOR WOMEN everywhere! It’s very reasonably priced and I think would make such a fun gift for your daughter, sister, or bestie!!!!!!

If you’ve ever experienced a SKIRT ALERT girls…… this is your answer! You will never ever be embarrassed again! Nope, not with this genius little and easy to use fashion accessory!

Shauna XO 

4 thoughts on “SKIRT ALERT Girls!

  1. the skirt alert is great,but i can’t take my eyes off those fishnet hose!! so cute and sexy! who makes them,where can i get them?

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