Approaching 2025, and this time of year I’m always excited about the chance to reset. A new year brings a fresh slate, and an opportunity to refocus on what truly matters. For the past few years, I’ve chosen three words to guide me through the new year. Last year, my words were CONNECTION, CALM, and CARING. They were easy to refer back to as opposed to a goal. I kept these words written down in my “NOTES” on my phone, to easily refer to and be reminded of. This is how I’ve set my intentions for 2025…

This year, my words are a bit similar to last years….. I suppose maybe I still need to work on them? Slowing down, improving my relationships, and striving to keep it all together! That’s what these three words exemplify!

1- STILLNESS. This will remind me to slow my mind down and find joy in the present moment. It will also help me immensely, with my migraines!

2- BOND. This is to help me remember that every phone call, every visit, and every text matters more than I realize sometimes. My focus will especially be with my three sons.

3- BALANCE. This is always a challenge for me. Keeping my physical, spiritual, and mental health in check is a daily effort. Thinking about my priorities helps in this department.

setting my intentions for 2025

When it comes to setting goals, I’ve always believed in starting small. I like to think of it as baby steps. Honestly they are how it starts and how I keep moving forward. Achieving big things doesn’t require giant leaps. It’s really about consistency, and deliberate actions over time. Being realistic is also important. Break each thought up into smaller parts or pieces. Make sure you look back every once in a while and notice your progress!

To me there’s a difference between setting goals and living with intention. Goals are specific and measurable…. like growing my business or steps towards personal connections. Intention, on the other had, is about how I want to feel and show up each day. This year, I want to approach my work and personal life with more clarity and purpose, and stay true to what brings me joy and fulfillment.

setting my intentions for 2025

As you think about your goals or words for 2025, consider how you’d like to be remembered. What are your values? What makes you the happiest? Start small, stay realistic, and let your intentions guide you. Here’s to a year of STILLNESS, BONDING, and BALANCE!!

4 thoughts on “SETTING MY INTENTIONS FOR 2025

  1. Calm ~ Discipline~ Joy (glimmer)
    Stay rooted and calm
    I need discipline to meet fitness & health goals
    Stay in Joy & be a glimmer, especially when triggered.
    Thank you Shauna for your whole year of inspiration. I really look forward to your weekly email.

    1. Julia…. this is so poetic. Thank you so much! I truly do appreciate you stopping by to leave me a comment. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and we’ll talk to you soon! XO

  2. Love this outfit! You are always adorable. Here are my words for the new year.
    Thankful- I need to stop complaining about little things and be more thankful as every day is a blessing.
    Strong- I need to stop giving up so easy and start saying “I can” instead of I” can”t”.
    Relax- Slow down in life and learn to relax even if it means to step away from a work space for 15 minutes to regenerate the mind.

    1. Hi Lisa…. you are so kind. THANK YOU! I LOVE your words. Have you always picked out words instead of focusing on particular goals? It has really helped me keep things simpler. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! I hope all your dreams come true in 2025!!!! Always good to hear from you! XO

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