MY WEDDING DAY WAS SO MAGICAL…..finally here is my blog with all the details! I can’t believe I’m writing this, it has been quite a journey. The other day a picture popped up on my personal Facebook page of me with my two parents. My dad at the time had brain cancer, but could still somewhat communicate and recognize us. The picture was taken exactly ONE YEAR before I got married, 9-7-18. Little did we know then that I would be married a year later, and my dad would be in his last days.
First however, my engagement was just incredible how it was all planned out by my HUSBAND….I have a husband, yay!!!!!!! That blog is right here in case you missed it! It was EVERYTHING a girl would ever dream of, and I mean EVERYTHING! I still can’t believe that I was in front of such a crowd being proposed to by one of THE BEST MEN I know! Such fun memories!!!!!!
My days leading up to our wedding were absolutely crazy and chaotic. My work is so time consuming as a blogger, and so it was extremely hard at times getting everything done. But….we did it with the help of so many people. The day itself, felt calm and under control. The weather was gorgeous (earlier in the week they were predicting RAIN) and most importantly my MOM felt calm, and my dad WAS calm.
We decided, well I decided, to have our wedding in my parents backyard. Due to the condition of my dad’s health, I thought that this was the perfect solution so that he could be with us but wouldn’t have to go anywhere. I also wanted to have it there for sentimental reasons. I was raised there and have such beautiful memories of playing with my dolls out in my backyard under the big willow tree! So for me, it meant so much! How could it be more magical than that?
As we got closer to the wedding day, and in particular while I was at Lake Powell the week before, there was some concern that this event would be too hard on my dad. Would he be agitated, would he know what was going on, would it be detrimental to his failing health? All of these concerns really had me stressed to the brim. I wanted my mom to be ok with it all, and her words to me were full of wisdom….”It is a hard situation, but we knew it would be! If you feel prompted to change locations, you’ll know. If not, everything will turn out fine, like it always does!” I love her!
My amazing husband arranged almost everything, the food, the dance floor, the tables and chairs, linens and place settings, and lights. He even had an ice-cream machine which I only ever got a small taste of that night, but it was DELICIOUS! One of our favorite treats to go out for, is frozen yogurt, so this seemed fitting! I had arranged for the band, the pictures by our incredible photographer Carin, who I’ve known for almost 20 years, the flowers, the arch made by my youngest son Sky @lumberanddesign (and it was PERFECTION….so so SO BEAUTIFUL) the invitations, cake and cupcakes (and INCREDIBLY SCRUMPTIOUS), and my little granddaughters pink dresses and this one too for my sweet 14 year old!
I wanted it VERY VERY SIMPLE. No extravagance for me, and I think we nailed it. It truly was perfect, with about 80-90 people in attendance, simple and delicious food, our kind of music to dance to, our favorite people, MY MOM and DAD, and the most gorgeous weather, it really couldn’t have been better!
Our ceremony was performed by Lorin’s nephew, a Bishop in our church. He did a such a beautiful job, talking a lot about how important FOUNDATIONS are in a marriage. It was perfect! We exchanged vows with each other which I LOVED. Seeing HIM get emotional was so tender and sweet…..and of course my emotions were all over the place! The only regret HE had was that he didn’t pick me up when we were finished sealing it with a kiss!!!! He has picked me up from the very beginning of our relationship, so he felt like he missed out there. Oh well…..he is PRETTY PERFECT anyway!
It meant the world to me that ALL SEVEN of my grandchildren were with us that night. The best part was all getting ready together…those precious moments with each of them. I gave each one of my granddaughters, who were the flower girls, a necklace of mine that I thought would be special to them! They each were different and unique to only them. I LOVED this time….they ALL looked ADORABLE! We chose HIS grandson to be the ring-bearer. He has held a special place in my heart from the beginning….such a cool little kid! LOVE them all! I walked in holding on to my oldest son Ty, to this song. We both LOVE this one, and one thing I’ve loved about him from the first time I was with him, was his love for ALL KINDS of music! He actually found this song for US!!!!!!!!
My granddaughters did their part so beautifully! They carefully tossed the rose petals along the way with such SWEETNESS! They are SO PRECIOUS and dear to me, as are my two grandsons. And now I have three more granddaughters and two more grandsons. I was SO FULL of emotion that night. In fact half-way up the aisle I was already in tears because I was overflowing with gratitude to my God that HE had brought me to this place. Being surrounded by all my family and LOVED ones meant the world to me!
After the ceremony we greeted and hugged up our family and friends and then started the party! There was LOTS of comfort food, ice cream cones, cupcakes, and great music and dancing! I think our grandkids had more fun dancing than the adults did! It added such a fun element to our celebration!
And then there’s the story of my dad…..the day before, he got a bit upset because he saw the lighting guys stringing lights in HIS TREES. He didn’t understand why they were there, and was worried they were going to break the trees. My mom assured him they were professional and somehow got him distracted. So I was very nervous going in to THE NEXT DAY, where lots of people would be in and out of his backyard.
Saturday came and my dad didn’t wake up. He slept through the entire day. At 5:50 pm he woke up and saw out the window all the people. My mom walked in and asked him if he’d like to go out because, “Shauna and Lorin are getting married”. He struggled to say, “What do I wear?” My dear brother came up and helped clean him up and he came out on to the porch to watch from above the yard. He was dressed in a white tee shirt, pajama pants, and his slippers. He looked PERFECT! I WAS THRILLED and couldn’t believe the timing! God sure had answered the prayers of MANY that night!
He mostly stayed up on top watching, but did come down for a bit for a few pictures. These pictures will be forever meaningful to me. It has been hard watching my dad go downhill. He was and is a man of pride for his family and for his yard. My brother told me later that as he sat with him, he had a smile on his face the whole time, almost like he was so proud that all of these people were ENJOYING HIS BACKYARD. It makes me cry even now as I write! My mom has been the GREATEST CARETAKER for him!
I have to give you some history on THIS FABULOUS JUMPSUIT I chose to wear…..instead of a stuffy wedding dress. I knew I didn’t want that. Being it was a second marriage it had to be simpler and more understated, but JUST AS BEAUTIFUL! I had thought and thought about what that might be, and this is how it all came to be…….
As I combed through the internet for ideas and inspiration, I stumbled upon this…….
This is by Michael Kors and when I saw it I knew……I HAD TO HAVE IT! You can find it right here. Coming in at nearly $6000 I knew it wouldn’t happen, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me. I stopped by my local MK boutique at City Creek Center, and the young man told me it just happened to be ON SALE! Woohoo, maybe a chance! But it was on sale for $3000. Still…..no way, but still……I wasn’t giving up. I would find a way!
In talking it up with my besties…..Trina, Lisa, and Barbi, we brainstormed. Barbi suggested I get ahold of Anita by Design that we had met a couple of years ago at a blogger event. She sews and might be able to make it for me. So I messaged her, and found out she only teaches sewing. So….still determined, I remembered that I had seen my seamstress, Leilani, make prom dresses…they were always hanging in her shop. I called her and she WITHOUT HESITATION said yes. She would be able to make it for me! What?? Her confidence in this job was there and I was IN!
I went the next day and she measured me. She told me where to go buy the FRENCH LACE and lining. I did that, took it back to her along with a jumpsuit I had that was very fitted. I went back the next week and she had the lining sewn. I tried it on, it fit like a glove with only the slightest nip and tuck. I went back the next week and she had the outer lace shell finished. The fit was UNBELIEVABLE. How could she do this without a pattern??? She had unpicked the lining and used it as a pattern for the jumpsuit! She measured the hem and neckline and next time I went back it was done!
I was BEYOND PLEASED! It was SO ME! IT WAS PERFECT! It was beautiful, it was classy and sassy, it didn’t break my bank, and it was ONE OF A KIND! I bought the belt at David’s Bridal, right here. I bought the sparkly shoes here, and these earrings to top it off. That’s all I needed except for a green leafy headband by Willow Specialty Florist in Bountiful, Utah, which I LOVED and felt so PRETTY! And HE loved it too! He often says to me, “YOU ARE STUNNING” or “YOU ARE SO STINKIN CUTE”! I LOVE it when he tells me this….I’m gushing!
This is something that I can wear to a black-tie event, to NYFW, for Valentine’s Day, or for our anniversary each year! And….I intend to wear it a lot!!!
The lace was $366, the belt was $100, the shoes were $160, and the earrings were $65! Her labor was minimal and I ended up with exactly what I had my heart set on! I was MORE THAN PLEASED! And….you can have one too! My seamstress said that she could make anyone one if she had the bust, waist, hips, waist from front to back, and inseam measurements. Let me know and we can SERIOUSLY get one FOR YOU too. One made in black lace would be amazing!
I’m extremely grateful that my wedding day was as magical as it was. There aren’t too many days that go by where I don’t stand outside myself in awe, of the miracles that have come my way these passed months. I’m so in LOVE with my new husband. There isn’t a better man. One of the things he said to me in his vows, will ALWAYS stand out. And that was, “You will ALWAYS BE ABLE TO TRUST ME, and know that you can count on me.” Those words had such impact. And SAFE…..I truly feel SAFE with him by my side! Honestly HE IS MAGICAL and has made me SO HAPPY!
Thanks for all your LOVE and SUPPORT through this very personal journey I’ve been on. I truly do appreciate every one of you! I REALLY DO!!!
Shauna XO
Aw Shauna you look absolutely stunning! (I wouldn’t expect anything less haha!) Your wedding looked like an amazing, lovely, beautiful event. You were so lucky to have all your family there. All the very best to you, your new husband and your new extended family! ???
You look so stunningly happy. I loved seeing the pictures of your beautiful family and hearing your story from start to finish ? wishing you all the very best! Congratulations…?
Wow perfect spectacular bliss??
Congratulations on your beautiful wedding day, you can see by the way you look @ him how much you adore him, he’s a very lucky man. You look stunning as usual. ??.
Congratulations Shauna and Lorin. Shauna you looked stunning!!! The headpiece was brilliant. What a blessing that your dad was there to see you get married. Thanks for posting pictures of your beautiful family and beautiful wedding. You looked so happy. I wish you both all the best that married life has to offer. God bless.
Shauna I am so happy for you! Your wedding day looks amazing! I am so glad you found someone you love and cherish who makes you feel safe. May your journey bring peace and happiness into your life, that you so deserve! ? Marilisa
Stunning and so much a family event. Congratulations xx
Shauna, I love this! Thank you for sharing your beautiful wedding day! You look fabulous, I love your wedding outfit! Also thanks for giving so many details about your dad (and your feelings and worries) on this special day – it was special to hear all this! Congratulations!
Congratulations Shauna, what beautiful pictures and time you took to post all this info I’m truly happy for you both, and look forward to your future posts. CHEERS !!
Congratulations! You look beautiful as always! I’m so happy for you and wish you the best as you begin your next big adventure!
Crying through this post. What a beautiful day full of so many blessings. Sending you all the love and best wishes possible.
SO happy for you that you have found a love to share the rest of your life with! SO happy all of the details of the day were perfect! Many blessings to you both??
What’s beautifully written account of your amazing day! Your writing is so heartfelt and genuine and your make the reader feel as though they are attending the wedding. Thank you for sharing this most wonderful story…blessings and joy for a long life together!
I love this?. You look so happy and stunning ! Congratulations! I loved hearing all the details. You have such a beautiful family. I love and miss seeing them. So glad your Mom and Dad could be there. Dad’s are so special, sorry he isn’t doing well. I’m so happy for you. Love Love Love !
( I want to meet your sweetheart)
Thank you Shauna for sharing your beautiful day! Absolutely gorgeous,including your new hubby and family too! Much love and happiness to you both. Nancy
Your wedding was beautiful. I love your outfit! So wonderful that your father and mother were able to enjoy it! Where is your seamstress located? I can’t find ay in my area with the skill to sew without a pattern!
So darn happy for you and the new life you are making with your husband. You looked absolutely stunning on your special day. Your wedding attire was more beautiful than the MK one. The lace was so elegant, and classy. How lovely it would be to wear it on your anniversary each year! Everything else about the wedding was also so special. The flower girls dresses with special necklace from you, the place, those special moments with your parents and all your two families together. You are so right to praise God for those daily blessing we receive. Wishing you many years of happiness.
Congratulations, Shauna and Lorin! Couldn’t wait to see the photos from your magical day. “A dream is a wish your heart makes…Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through….” Happy rainbows and smiles now and forever! ?
Thank you for sharing your special day with us. I agree with your husband, you are so stinking cute! I love that he makes you feel safe. I have been married 37 years & my husband has always made me feel safe. Of course there have been hard times but I know he puts me first. Much love & happiness to you & your husband.
Loved reading your wedding story of
Gods goodness in every detail!! Love you beautiful Shauna !!
What a beautiful day and celebration of your love! You look gorgeous, and I am so happy that you have found true love at this stage of your life. Your journey with Lorin has made me think back to when I met my husband, also later in life and after a painful divorce, and how blessed my life has been with him. I think that your life will be the same. It’s so lovely that both of your parents were there, and I know that your children and grandchildren are so happy for you. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and I have no doubt that God has honored your faith in Him with the love that you so deserve. Congratulations!
Just so perfect! Absolutely gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing your special day.
Wishing you both a Lifetime of Happiness?
Shauna, you look so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful Special day. Congratulations ? wishing you both a lifetime of beautiful blessings.
Congratulations! Thank you for giving a glimpse into your very personal day of family, friends, and new beginnings! So happy for you!
Awww Shawna I’m a new follower, that has instantly fallen in love with you personally and your style and to see you this happy makes me soooo happy and hopeful. Congratulations and blessing to a wonderful marriage, to your new life and now husband and family! What a joyous time, enjoy every minute of it!
I will keep your dad in my prayers, ironically my dad passed away from brain cancer 21 years ago, he was /is my prince charming, I love him so much and miss him so much every day! ?❤
BTW you look gorgeous and you glow!
Shauna, you’re absolutely stunning! And such blessings on second chances ❤
Congratulations to you both! Well done!!
Awww Shawna I’m a new follower, that has instantly fallen in love with you and your style and to see you this happy makes me soooo happy and hopeful. Congratulations and blessing to a wonderful marriage, to your new life and now husband and family! What a joyous time, enjoy every minute of it!
I will keep your dad in my prayers, ironically my dad passed away from brain cancer 21 years ago, he was /is my prince charming, I love him so much and miss him so much every day! ?❤
BTW you look gorgeous and you glow!
You are so stunning! He isn’t bad either 😉 looks like a perfect day was had by all. Thanks for sharing your personal story. I wish you many blessings in your new journey!
Congratulations Shauna….you look amazing!!
Wishing you many, many years of love & happiness
Congratulations on your marriage. Very Beautiful! Reminds me of our wedding 31 years ago.
Beautiful post Shauna! I’m so very happy for you two! I love you sweet friend! May God continue to bless and keep you!
Congratulate to your wedding! You look so beautiful and happy. The story about your overall is funny. Your outfit is really special. Very nice. All the best for you future and for your lovely Daddy a goodbye without pain. Best regards from Karina from Germay
Congratulations to you both! Stunning photos. Best wishes for the future x
Beautiful! I love your story… it was lovely. My daughter is getting married next month in Mexico and is wearing the same shoes.?
Congratulations Shauna!
What a perfect day and I’m ready thinking about your dad too! Your family values and your love for them is so precious.
All the blessings for a beautiful life my beautiful friend! ?
Oops… I’m “tearing” thinking about your dad. ☺️
Congratulations to the both of you and may you have wonderful new memories to make and share! CELEBRATE everyday!
I am SO over the moon happy for you and your new handsome husband ! You have touched so many lives and you deserve to be so blessed and happy ❤
I absolutely love your jumpsuit. It is perfect for You !! Im so glad your day was magical.
I love you and Lorin so much – Heaven was smiling on all of us this day – xoxoxoxoxoxo
Shauna! So happy for you! Tears while reading this!! Many years of happiness to you both!!! XOXO PS LOVE the jumpsuit!
Bello todo como de sueño de princesa me encantó y sobre todo tu vestido no pierdes tu estilo y tu personalidad y eso es lo que más me gusta de tu blog.
Un abrazo y felicidades a los Nuevo esposos.
Your wedding was absolutely beautiful and were stunning as always. But what touched my heart the most was the story of your dad and how God woke him up to be a special part of your day. You will cherish that memory forever.
Shauna, first of all, from your descriptions and photos of them in past posts as well as this one, your parents appear to be the most special people. How lucky to have been raised by them and still have them in your life. I’m so sorry about your dad’s health; I know it is heartbreaking for all who love and adore him.
Secondly, my heartfelt congratulations on finding such a special man to share your life with. It is such a gift to be with someone who adores you and puts you first. I’ve had that for 48 years and still don’t know how I got so lucky! 😉
All the best to you and Lorin!
I loved reading your blog and am so happy your wedding day went off how you planned. Dreams do come true. What a blessing to have your Dad there and not agitated on this special day. GOD IS GOOD.
Thanks for sharing so heart warming photos with your audience. I really appreciate your humility it’s so genuine. I love how you speak so loving of your parents..and the dignity you assign them both. I’m happy that God hand was involved, for your father to see his beautiful daughter. Continue sucess & congratulations❤
Thanks for sharing your special day and congratulations on your marriage. Your wedding day looked so magical and you absolutely gorgeous..
Beautiful wedding, you looked amazing and the love of your family shines bright. Congratulations, here’s wishing you many many happy years
A story of the heart, new beginnings, brings a pang to my heart!!! As always, you look stunningly beautiful in your lace jumpsuit!! Everything was just perfect. Thank you for sharing your wedding and special moments. May God richly bless you and Lorin as you begin your FOREVER!!!
Thank you for sharing the magic! You look absolutely sassy and glam! And the story of your Dad’s participation in his fragile state was so poignant. All best wishes for much happiness always!
Oh Shauna I can hear the excitement and giddiness in your post!!! You are too cute. So happy for you and the people you love!
You truly are an inspiration. What a beautiful day! Love the bridesmaids dresses… and your jumpsuit… WOW! You wear it well, my dear!! Gorgeous just gorgeous…
Shauna, you are such a beautiful bride—inside and out! Thank you for sharing your tender love story and tribute for your father. It’s evident that you have a lovely, supportive family. Wishing you many, many years of wedded bliss!
May all the happiness and joy of that day carry you through the rest of your lives together. Beautiful!!
Congrats to you, beautiful lady! I’m so glad you daddy was able to be there with you!
Congratulations! ?? ???. Glad you found each other, much love and happiness is my wish for you both. ❤️
Vous êtes magnifique Shauna et vous rayonnez de bonheur!!!! Belle vie à vous et votre mari!!!!