Today I’m talking about HOW I APPLY MAKE UP. This question comes up a lot for me, I’m sure because of my age. My make up routine hasn’t changed a whole lot over the years, but the changes I’ve made have been good ones…. at least they’ve worked for me!
Before I start though…. I want you to know how dedicated I am to my SKINCARE ROUTINE. Your skin obviously is the base for a beautiful face, and I think is MORE IMPORTANT than any make up application. You have to take care of your skin not only with product, but with plenty of sleep, the proper diet, and WATER!
As I’ve become older, I definitely have dryer skin. It’s practically a given. I’m not sure I know any older woman who doesn’t experience this. I definitely have more hydrated skin when I’m drinking plenty of water. So my foundation and foundation primer are super important to me. The primer I used to use has been discontinued and so I’m sort of in the process of finding another one, and have a couple for you to try. Remember that you can go to most department stores and they will give you a sample to try out before you buy…. which that’s what I did!
And just a note….. I’m NOT a drugstore makeup girl for the most part. Shopping there is super frustrating to me! I like to have someone helping and guiding me in all my choices. Drugstore makeup to me is really difficult without being able to test it out!
I ALWAYS wear a primer under my foundation. It really does make your foundation look better AND stay on longer. THIS one so far is my favorite and I love that it’s the same brand as my foundation. I’m testing THIS along with THIS (makes skin appear more hydrated and plumper). I’ll let you know if I buy. I’m just using a tester right now.
My FAVORITE FOUNDATION is HERE. I’ve been using this one for years. They changed the formula a year or so ago, and I kept with the new and improved version. I LOVE it because it’s HYDRATING and LIGHT and goes on just with my fingers! I rub it on like a moisturizer. Sometimes I’ll use a brush if I want to look super professional (LOL), but honestly it looks about the same!
So….. those are the two most important things that I use to prep my face for whatever I feel needs to happen. I don’t wear that much makeup. LIPSTICK and GLOSS YES, but I don’t contour or use concealor, or any of that stuff. I use eyeshadow, mascara, blush, eyebrow gel, and that’s it.
The shadow that I’m loving right now is here. I LOVE this all-around palette with TWELVE colors! It’s so good for when I travel because everything I need is all in ONE PLACE! It has peaches and pinks, darks and lights…. LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH!
My mascara is THIS! I love this drugstore brand (I guess I do use DRUGSTORE MAKEUP!). It goes on well, isn’t gloppy, very thickening, DOESN’T SMUDGE (best part), and is priced right!
For blush I’ve been using THIS one for SO MANY YEARS! The color is ORGASM. This has been the #1 blush forever. It’s a GREAT color that ANYONE can use! When I put on my blush I also swipe a bit on the tip of my nose as well as the tip of my chin. Also if my hair is up, I’ll add a swipe across the top of my forehead along my hairline! Oh…. and one more place. I’ll also use it on my brow bone! I had a make up artist tell me that once on a shoot, and I LOVE doing this!
As far as brows go….. THIS is my favorite. It’s a gel that isn’t too much but still goes on REALLY WELL and you can layer it. It looks super natural!!! Also THIS is the eyelash serum I use for LONGER lashes…… and believe me it works IF you are consistent! You will see results in about six weeks! AND it’s NOT a fortune!
My favorite glosses are THIS PEACH and THIS SHIMMER PINK and CANDY YUM YUM a bright PINK. My favorite lipsticks are THIS PEACH and THIS PINK and THIS RED. I mix these all up using just gloss or just lipstick or BOTH! I also have my OWN PRIVATE BRAND that is FABULOUS and INEXPENSIVE and LONG LASTING right HERE. The perfect colors!
How I apply make up may not be your way…. but it works for me and I’ve been asked to share, so here you go. I want and NEED mine to be SIMPLE and EASY. It’s like my hair… if it gets too time consuming it makes me CRAZY!
AFTER I clean and moisturize, I apply my eyeshadow primer (PAINTERLY) all over my lid. Then I do my shadow. This can vary depending on what I’m doing. I usually AT LEAST wear a shimmer all over my lid with some liner on the top lid. I’m using THIS palette. I line with a small wet brush top and bottom corners. I then apply my mascara after using an eyelash curler.
I then apply my foundation primer, let dry, and then foundation. Next is blush and then my eyebrows, just using this brow gel. Lastly I’ll add this highlighter to the inside corners of my eyes, my temple and high cheekbones, and down the bridge of my nose. Oh and one last thing…. lip gloss. IF I’m going out I’ll usually wear lipstick with it! THAT’S IT! Seriously less than TEN MINUTES!
One more thing about TINTED MOISTURIZER. I often use this when out playing tennis or golf. And sometimes just at home when I don’t want a full face of make up! This one is awesome! It has an SPF 30 which is great for sports of any kind!
One day I’ll make a video that you can follow along with….. not so good at the video thing friends!
One last thing I want to say is that just by putting in FIVE MINUTES worth of effort in the morning to your makeup routine…. EVEN if you’re just staying at home, it will make you feel SO MUCH BETTER! It seriously will! You DON’T have to wear A LOT!
Let me know if you have any questions! Remember that THIS WORKS FOR ME, but may not for you. Everyone’s skin is very different and so brands and formulas will work for one and not necessarily for the other.
Shauna XO
I’m not much into makeup, however do wear lipstick, eyeliner and occasionally mascara. I am needing something tho, to cover my dark circles, which are hereditary.
Hi Sherry….. I haven’t ever used a concealer so I’m not much help there! I would just suggest you go to a makeup counter like Nordstrom or department store. Then there will be lots of brands and help to guide you! Good luck girl and thanks for stopping by! XO
Love your makeup💗. Which shade of foundation do you use?
Hi Stephanie….. My shade is called B30. Hope you LOVE it as much as I do! XO
Thank you for your very nice post, which I really enjoyed reading.
Good tips!
Tina…. THANK YOU for taking the time to read! It’s always fun to learn about what other women are doing with their makeup!!!! Take care! XO
I struggle with this topic. I have many cosmetic bags stuffed with all kinds, all price points, makeup. I have quite an extensive selection of makeup brushes as well. I’m easily “talked into” buying what ever you show me at the cosmetics counter. But I get it home, it sits in the bag. I am terrible at applying the stuff. In my case, practice does not make perfect. 🤪🙄
Cheryl…. I think that there are many who fall in this category! Just try ONE thing at a time. I guess you just need to know what exactly you’ll use (foundation, blush, mascara, etc.) and leave the rest alone? I remember one year for Christmas I took my daughter-in-law to get a makeover and bought her a couple hundred dollars worth of makeup. I’m not sure she ever used ANY of it, and that’s just wasteful! XO
This isn’t about hair, but I live your hair and wear mine short too, but it’s not nearly as chic as yours. I have fine hair and I’m wondering if I could wear mine styled as yours. Can you tell me about your hair? Texture and thickness?
Hi Toni….. my hair is very thick and has a lot of body to it. I do think though, with the right products you could wear it somewhat like mine. You’d have to use a stiffer styling product I’m sure. I hope this helps and so glad you LOVE your pixie!!!! XO
Thanks for sharing your makeup info with us. With it being almost fall, I’ll be searching for a new foundation soon and think I’ll check your brand out. You always look so chic!
Hi Shauna, Enjoyed this blog segment and found that as I got older I too started wearing less makeup considering I was a makeup junky since my teens. LOL. My skin routine is primary & so true it is the canvas of a “great face”. Over the years and many trials, I’ve found excellent products Which have become my staples now. Since I see your still searching for a face primer (as I was too) I thought I would suggest “Tatcha” Silk Canvas. I think it’s awesome. If you like you should check them out as this brand originated from the practices of Geisha women of Japan. Their porcelain skin is so amazing and the history is so fascinating. Anyway, just wanted to share here, perhaps one of you followers might want to check it out. Have a great day!
I absolutely love your energy and sweet spirit! I have rocked short hair now for 25 years and can honestly say it suits me! Thank you for being such a positive woman!
Shauna, what brand of eyeliner do you like?