EVERY DAY IS A DO-OVER, and what a gift that is! I’ve sensed a little bit these last few months, a LOT of discouragement with some of you out there! I think it could possibly be what you see here in these pretty little squares, the comparing of yourself to others, or maybe it’s the NEW YEAR and you’ve made changes but don’t see the results quick enough? I’m not sure all the reasons why, but it’s there and it’s a real feeling!
This is what I tell women who ask me, “How do you stay motivated?” You HAVE to know that every day is a do-over and every day is a gift and every day is another opportunity for you to DO BETTER THAN YOU DID THE DAY BEFORE! If you messed up yesterday, see if you can do better today!
I feel so fortunate in that I’ve always had this mindset to DO BETTER, BE BETTER, go for CHALLENGES, and PUSH MYSELF! I know that that can be hard and overwhelming for some, but honestly it’s what keeps me moving and going! I feel STRONG and FIERCE. I love to be able to say that I’m ALMOST sixty and feeling very ALIVE! And…….. WE SHOULD ALL FEEL THAT WAY! I really WANT YOU to feel EXACTLY that way too!!!
As we age, everything slows down (I’m sure you’re all aware of that, right?). How do you combat that? Moving more and eating less is how I think of it. And that’s not very fun! But there’s a way to do it and it has to be through your LIFESTYLE! If you can incorporate healthy changes in to your routine, then that’s the best and most sure way to stay on track!
There isn’t anything worse than feeling crappy! I hate it when I don’t feel good. If I miss a day of exercise I can be the orneriest thing around! Exercise is part of my day EVERY day except maybe Sunday. It’s not easy getting to the gym, but OH SO WORTH IT! Being willing to do the hard things for the best results is key!
So….. if you’re in a rut, DO SOMETHING different. You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Find a new way to get up and move about! Find a new way to eat healthier! Find a new way to incorporate a new shade of lipstick. Find a new hobby. There are multiple ways to change things up and most importantly to FEEL BETTER! EVERY day is a do-over and so why not do it differently?
One of the best things I ever did… and believe it or not, sometimes it’s hard for me to quit working and to just enjoy, but this was in Paris. This lady made me stop and made me enjoy and made me do things different than I would have normally done! It is such a great memory! I wish I still had her contact so I could THANK HER!
Shauna XO
My outfit is from LULULEMON
I couldn’t agree more!
And such a great feeling…. right Dawn! Have a great week! XO
A highly personal exercise for sure! It does require a lot of soul searching, or you can get overwhelmed. Support is nice, although not necessary… BUT everyone has to find their own “thing”….. possibly the hardest task of all! With my kids grown, I’m still trying to find out what I want to do next…..a lot of ideas, motivation is low. Thanks for the inspiration, because the rest is up to us, agree?
Cheryl, I remember that feeling once my boys were all on their own, of “NOW WHAT?” It was difficult and a bit scary because so much of our lives are wrapped up in our kids. But having outside interests is really helpful! I’m glad that you have LOTS OF IDEAS, because that is the start of moving in to another chapter of life! XO
I am really trying to live my best life, reduce stress, move a little more, eat a little better…but most importantly trying to keep things in perspective and not over react, so my hew mantra is to just try to do better than the day before…thats it, no pressure or crazy rules lol. ❤
Hi Shelley….. I think you have a very healthy and reasonable mind-set!!!! Bravo girl! XO