STYLE….What Exactly Is It?


What exactly do you think of when you hear the word STYLE? For me, I think of everything outwardly….what someone is wearing, how their hair is, their makeup, and then after all that, their attitude. If I only knew what I know now, when I was 14 years old, I would have been much more outgoing I think. I was sort of the quiet one, at least when it came to large groups of people. Within my own social circle, some would have said I was the ring-leader! But I was always on the self-conscious side, and still am to some degree. I tell so many, that the best part about aging is that I have greater confidence in myself, more self-love, and acceptance. I have finally accepted my short body, my stalky legs, and my arms. As I said a couple blogs ago, I’m just grateful for a healthy and fit body, that’s capable of great things for someone my age!

But there IS MUCH MORE to STYLE than just these things! It’s how we move, how we talk, our body language, how we associate with others. It’s how we express ourselves! Don’t you love to just sit somewhere and watch people? I LOVE to people-watch! I find it so fascinating!!! I love to see a person who may not be the most attractive when it comes to actual physical looks, but is so charismatic that you can’t take your eye off them! A person’s confidence I think, is what makes them ultra-stylish!!! I’ve told many stories of women who have impacted me that way! The 70+ year old in Hawaii strutting around in her bikini, the 70+ year old woman at the tennis tournament in a skin-tight dress, to name a couple. There’s another one that comes to mind that is really a very beautiful woman, but doesn’t put much in to how she looks. It’s just not important to her, to put on makeup or get dressed up….she’s simple and wants to be that way. To me, that is STYLISH! The quote I posted yesterday on Instagram, I love. It’s from Diane Von Furstenberg. It takes many things to achieve beauty or STYLE! It’s never just one thing!

One thing I wish for my five beautiful little granddaughters, is that they will feel loved, feel safe, and be confident in who they are. Each one of them is unique and different. Since I never had any daughters of my own, it has been the sweetest blessing watching them grow and become who they are. My oldest is brilliant, my next is always ready for any challenge, then my next is such a loving and protective big sister, and her sister is my fashionista, and then my baby……is very determined to show us all who she is! Each of these little girls are such a gift, as well as my two grandsons. Each one has their OWN STYLE……from the outside and in!!! And each one teaches me something new, every time I’m with them!

One of the things I love to make me feel STYLISH, is a hat. I’ve linked a few really FUN ones here, as well as some other fun accessories to add to your STYLE. Each one a little bold, so you can wear with a very simple conservative outfit and feel just a bit more STYLISH!!! But remember, the most beautiful part of YOUR STYLE comes from the inside!



7 thoughts on “STYLE….What Exactly Is It?

  1. There is a lot of wisdom in all the words you said – that could be the very best part of this post! xoxoxoxo

  2. I know what you mean by having more confidence, I do love those words by Diane Von Furstenburg. I’ve also read where someone asked her about cosmetic surgery and she said “my history is in my face, why would I erase that?” Thank you for all you do and being such a great role model for your granddaughters!

    1. Ramona…thank YOU, for all your support!!! I LOVE that quote from DVF! Let’s not be erasing our history girls!!!! 🙂

  3. 1) love the links you provided.
    2) you are certainly blessed.
    3) couldn’t have said it better myself!

  4. You are truly a inspiration. I think that I have lost myself, and what I truly enjoy.
    Thank you for showing me what I am still capable of doing with my life after 50!

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