This post is sponsored by Pantene. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Friends…. I’ve found something that will help you keep your SILVER HAIR looking it’s sassiest! The Pantene Silver Expression Purple Shampoo is it!! The thing I get the most comments on is my platinum pixie. I get asked all the time about how it’s cut, how to take care of it, if it’s natural, etc. I’m naturally a brunette, and started coloring my hair when I was in my 30’s. I always remained a brunette, and just went through the coloring process to keep the grey covered. As many of you know…. it’s a LOT of upkeep!
So about four years ago I decided to bleach out the brunette and slowly start to embrace my silver hair! It has been way too much fun! I haven’t looked back for a single second. I’ve always thought that silver hair on ladies looked stunning. My mama has the most beautiful silver hair ever! I would go through the process of bleaching it all over every few months of so, but for the past 4-5 months I’ve let it be its natural self!
THIS product, the Panteen Silver Expressions Purple Shampoo is the best! I wash my hair every few days is all, and when I use this, it keeps it looking so silver and bright and so pretty! This product is paraben and silicone FREE for those of us who gray naturally! Not only does it keep the color so awesome, but it’s healthy for my hair! It’s safe enough to use every day if that’s what you like. But we all know that a woman’s hair is EVERYTHING….. wouldn’t you agree?
The Pantene Silver Expressions Purple Shampoo works on any hair type, but it’s meant for silver, white, or gray hair. As mentioned above it’s totally safe to use every day if you wish or every few days. What I do is after I’ve lathered up and washed my hair, I let it sit in my hair for about 3-5 minutes. This will eliminate the brassiness and reduce yellow tones that we sometimes get in our silver hair. Think of it as a color-correcting shampoo!
So, if you’re wondering what I use to help keep my SILVER or PLATINUM hair looking it’s finest…. it’s the Pantene Silver Expressions Purple Shampoo! You can be sure that it’s totally safe for your silver hair! No worries there, so go ahead and get EXPRESS YOURSELF THROUGH YOUR SILVER HAIR and pick up the Pantene Silver Expressions Purple Shampoo on Amazon!
Shauna XO
can’t wait to give this shampoo a try!
My last 2 hairdressers told me that they would NOT NOT NOT recommend me coloring my short hair silver because there’s so much upkeep. So, I’ve listened to them and have maintained my highlighted brown hair. Any thoughts? Were you advised against it?
I’m brunette and I’ve been fighting grey roots for several years and finally had enough. Platinum has been on my mind for a long time. After many discussions with my hairdresser, I did it! Love, love it! I look a lot younger and the upkeep is minimal. A good hairdresser will have no problem getting this look for you.
Good for you! I’m in the same boat and a bit timid to let go of brown with blonde highlights. I’m afraid I will look older. Did your hairdresser make you blonde in stages, or all at once? Did you have short or long hair? I have similar to Shauna’s cut.
My cut is similar to Shauna’s. We did it in one day but it did take 5 hours. My hairdresser wanted to go slow to make sure my hair didn’t break off. It turned out perfectly. I’ve gotten so many compliments along the lines of “sassy”! I’m still not used to seeing myself in the mirror with platinum hair. I’m so glad I went through with this rather drastic change. It has really given me a boost.
I’m going to get that shampoo! I stopped coloring my hair 4 years ago (and cropped it short)! Best thing EVER! Thanks for this tip but could you also share the name of the product you use to style it😊