Strivectin Skin Reset Launch

How is your skin feeling these days? Sometimes after the holidays and perhaps not eating, sleeping, and exercising as you normally do or should, our skin can take a real beating! Each of those things can definitely change the way your skin looks. When I’m taking care of my overall health, my skin looks so much better!!!!!!!

Well I have something AMAZING to introduce you to! STRIVECTIN has a RESET system for you! You can use this to get your skin ready for a special event, or a vacation, or just to give it a reset from all of the festivities of the holidays! I wanted to use it to get my skin ready for the holidays. And it certainly DID THAT!!!! It’s time to RESET EXPECTATIONS about what skincare can do!!!!!! And this is how it works……

Week ONE ~ Apply a few drops morning and night to a cleansed face for seven days. After the first week I saw the most improvement with hydration. My skin didn’t feel as dry. This serum’s focus is on REBUILD!

Week TWO ~ Apply one pump to cleansed skin morning and night for seven days. After week two I noticed the fine lines were softer and felt my skin was a bit more plump. It was so exciting to see the difference just after two weeks!!! WOW! This serum’s focus is on BOOSTING.

Week THREE ~ Apply one to two pumps to cleansed skin both morning and night. With all of these you follow up with your normal moisturizer. After week three my skin was looking brighter, along with the softening and hydration too!!!! SO GOOD SO FAR!!!! This serum’s focus is on BALANCE.

Week FOUR ~ Apply one pump morning and night after cleansing. Follow with your moisturizer. Week four is all about RESTORE! After this week I noticed even more the lines and wrinkles looking so much smoother than from my before pics!!! My skin looked smoother and much better texture! I WAS HOOKED on STRIVECTIN’S 28 day SKIN RESET!!!!! This serum’s focus is about RESTORING.

I’ve posted here all of my before pics and pics as I’ve progressed through the system. It made such a difference and I can’t say enough about this INCREDIBLE SYSTEM!!!!! WEEK ONE was to REBUILD, WEEK TWO was to BOOST, WEEK THREE was to BALANCE, and WEEK FOUR was to RESTORE! The biggest difference to me seemed to be week three. I definitely noticed plumper and more hydrated skin! And who doesn’t like that at my age….or any age for that matter!!!!

Here are some RESET TIPS for you! 1) Your skin does its best work at night while you’re sleeping. Unplug an hour before bed. 2) Complement the firmness and elasticity of your skin with whole foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids like walnuts, spinach, and salmon. 3) Emotional stress can breakdown collagen and elastin. Take time to relax! 4) Embrace skincare as an important part of self-care. Treat your routine as taking time for YOU!

How often should you use the SKIN RESET? There aren’t really any guidelines because everyone’s skin is so different. Some do it regularly to keep skin looking its finest, and some just do seasonally to put skin back on track! So in other words this can mean every month or once every three months! YOU DECIDE what’s best for you!!!!!! I plan to use it FREQUENTLY!!! I LOVE what this has done for my skin!!!!!! Another note is that this is made to replace your normal serum, and the order of usage with 1-4 is important. Each one builds on the other, so use in order.

So….I would definitely recommend this system to ANYONE!!!! LOVED and LOVED the results!!!!!!!!

Shauna XO