From Honeymoon to Home

Valentine’s Day is often portrayed as grand gestures, love letters, and butterflies in your stomach. But after five years of marriage, I’ve learned a much deeper, more meaningful side to love….. one that isn’t wrapped up in red bows or expressed through boxes of chocolates. DANG…. (I LOVE my dark chocolate)!

There is such beauty in feeling settled in a relationship and knowing that your love is steady. Don’t you love that word…. STEADY? The early days of my marriage were awesome, but they were full of uncertainty in a way. It was never my intent to re-marry and especially at my age! Now my marriage feels normal and that feels absolutely wonderful!

Our five years together feels like it’s been much longer than that, but at the same time, it feels like only a few months ago that we were dating. Our communication is much more comfortable now. We are more open with one another, and I consider that one of the beauties of a longer relationship. That openness will continue to grow. We’ve also learned to navigate each other’s moods. I’m not so afraid anymore to show I’m bothered by something. That feels good! Now that we really know one another it’s easier to understand those moods, and work through them with patience.

I recognize more and more, how our personalities really do compliment the other. He is the calm and easygoing one. I’m not. In times when I’m overly stressed or anxious, he has a way of helping me see things differently. He is definitely my calming force. His steady presence keeps me grounded, and his unwavering support brings me such peace. He makes me laugh, all the time. I’ve never appreciated a sense of humor more. Where I am strong, he is learning. Where he is strong, I find growth!

From Honeymoon to Home


What I love most, is that we don’t try to change each other. Instead, we LOVE one another as we are, quirks and everything. This acceptance has created a deeper connection, that helps us navigate all the ups and downs that life brings us. From honeymoon to home…… our LOVE has transformed into something far more profound than I ever imagined. And as we journey together, I’m grateful for the calm, the balance, and the beautiful normalcy we’ve created together!

This isn’t just marriage…… it’s HOME!


  1. Hi Shauna. I just found your website. I love all the ‘color bursts’ in your clothing choices that reflect who you are. 😊
    Have a great day!

    1. Hello Theresa….. WELCOME and thank you kindly! I do love my color, I always have. I was just talking to a group of women my age and they were all talking about wearing black all the time now, because of their age. I just don’t agree. IF you love black then yes wear it, but we don’t have to, to look our best. COLOR can really brighten your whole outlook on life. Anyway, THANK YOU! You have a great day too! XOXO

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