Today marks FIVE YEARS of marriage to my wonderful husband….. and what a journey it’s been! As I reflect on this milestone, I think about the quote I shared yesterday on my Instagram…
After 39 years in my first marriage, people still ask how I was able to change course. The truth is, I didn’t have a choice…. and through it all, I’ve learned so much about myself. Now, five years later, I can honestly say that starting over was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Was it scary…. yes it was, but at the same time I did it with such confidence!
It seems like just a year or two ago that we exchanged vows, and yet here we are…. celebrating half a decade together! My husband balances me out in ways I never imagined possible. He is patient, calm and easygoing… qualities that complement my more energetic nature. He’s always there, ready to help whenever I need him. And what a good sport he is when it comes to my work as an influencer. He’s always up for almost anything.
But beyond the everyday, it’s the deeper things that I love most. He has made me a better person with his quiet strength, unwavering love for his family, God, and country. Although I know I won’t reach the 50 year mark with him here on this earth….. I’m blessed to know I’ll have him FOREVER!
congratulations 🎉
Hi Shauna,
It sounds like you compliment one another beautifully. If we married someone just ourselves our partner would drive us crazy.
Congratulations on 5 magical years of JOY and HAPPINESS. You both are blessed to have one another.
Katherine yes to everything! I’ve felt that this has been one of the best things about BOTH OF US in our marriage, is our differences. Thank you so much for your sweet message. Have a wonderful week! XO
Hi Sandra thank you very much! You are sweet to stop by! Have a wonderful weekend! XO
Congratulations to both of you! That time flew by didn’t it? Love seeing you enjoying your time together. Cherish every moment. 💕
Pam I know it went by SO FAST! Learning to slow down and just enjoy, can be harder than it seems. I’m trying each day to be better! Thank you for your message and come back again soon! XO