finding joy in midlife movement


If you’re being honest…. who finds JOY in movement at midlife? I bet most would say NO? I absolutely DO, sort of! Staying active doesn’t just keep us feeling youthful, it connects us to our strength, confidence, and vitality. The older I get, the more importance I see in staying active and finding ways to move throughout the day. Midlife is a chapter in our lives that we often become more sedentary. Establishing habits is never too late, and will set yourself up for more productive and meaningful years ahead.

This is what I mean by “sort of”….. I’ve always said that I don’t necessarily love going to the gym every day, but I do LOVE the results! The time spent there is well worth it to me, and really does make me feel better. Gone are the days when fitness was about chasing perfection. In midlife, movement becomes about how it makes us feel. In my mind it’s an absolute NECESSITY! Wouldn’t you agree? We have to look at it as honoring the bodies we have and treating them with care!

For me, activities like golf and tennis aren’t just forms of exercise, they’re actually really fun! There’s something so invigorating about being outdoors moving and being active! The fresh air, the surroundings…. it’s such a necessity mentally and physically. It’s these times that I feel more alive and motivated to move even more. Remember that movement doesn’t have to be intense or complicated….. even a few stretches before bed can make a world of difference!

finding joy in midlife movement

The thing we must keep in mind, is that the beauty of movement is that it’s adaptable. It meets us where we are, and accommodates our unique bodies and needs. It’s about PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION. It’s about finding what makes us happy and doing MORE of it. When we truly embrace movement, we really do embrace life itself.

  1. Do your workout at the SAME TIME EVERY DAY. This will establish habits.
  2. Make your workouts doable and REALISTIC, all while pushing yourself a bit more each week.
  3. Find ways to ENJOY YOUR OUTDOORS whether you live in a cold or warm climate. NO EXCUSES, there is a way if you’re motivated.
  4. If you’re not motivated, arrange to GO WITH A FRIEND.
  5. NOTICE HOW YOU FEEL when you work out versus when you don’t…. you’ll notice a difference!
  6. Find ways to exercise or MOVE EVEN WHILE ON VACATION. This doesn’t need to be hard, just move!
  7. If you work at a desk, make sure you GET UP EVERY 45 MINUTES and move for 5 minutes.
  8. Make sure you’re DRINKING ENOUGH WATER…. this really DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE in how you feel. I aim for 8 glasses of water a day, and this probably isn’t enough.
  9. Get GOOD QUALITY CLOTHING. I promise it will be a great motivator!
  10. My last tip…. if you’re not a gym person, then FIND THINGS YOU LOVE TO DO. For me this is golf and tennis. Others could be pickleball, hiking, bike riding, dancing, swimming, even walking your pet.



So, as we are at the beginning of another new year, commit to celebrating your body through movement. Finding joy in movement at midlife is a mindset, and can be the secret to enhancing your life. Whether it’s dancing in the living room, hiking with friends, or strolling through the neighborhood, find JOY in the simple act of moving. The more you move, the more calories you’re using. Midlife is a time to thrive……. and what better way to thrive than to move with purpose and passion?



  1. Hi Shauna!
    Loved this post. Such great pics. My fave is the one at Zion. Your happiness shows 😃
    Just read an article earlier today showing results of studies done: women who exercise and keep exercising throughout life are much less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or if they do get the disease, it’s 11 years later in life. If that’s not another great motivator I don’t know what is!
    Plus exercise contributes to better sleep. At least for me. (I need all the help I can get there)
    Enjoying movement is so satisfying. Whatever works for a person is best. Just keep moving. Let’s get up and play!
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Hello Pam, THANK YOU for stopping by! I totally believe that MOVING and STAYING ACTIVE can enhance our lives more than we realize. That’s an eye-opening study!!!! I feel like some make it more of a big deal than it needs to be. The key definitely is to JUST MOVE NO MATTER….. trying to get my hubs to do it too! :O Anyway, thanks again and have a LOVELY weekend! XOXO

  3. I agree that staying active is essential in our midlife. I have always kept active but this cold weather has made me lazy and I can feel it. I need to get back to moving and creating healthy habits. Summer is coming.
    Love your bathing suit. Your so darn cute.

    1. Hi Lisa….. we’ve had some COLDER THAN NORMAL weather here too! That’s where a gym comes in handy! It sure does make you feel better though, right? Even if you got a jumprope and did it in your home! It can actually be a great workout! Take care and STAY WARM! And…… drink some low-sugar non-fat hot chocolate!!!! LOL! Xoxo

  4. I totally agree Shauna! If you can make exercise fun then it doesn’t seem like exercise! I love how your exercise outfits are so coordinated too! Keep fit and healthy 😀 xxx

    1. Sharon thank you for stopping by! Yes for sure making it something FUN will be so much easier to make it a habit, especially for those that might not have the motivation to go to the gym! Have a WONDERFUL WEEK my friend! XOXO

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