a letter to my daddy

Dear daddy,

It’s been a few years since you left us, and I reflect often on the incredible impact you had on my life. Your work ethic was unparalleled, and you provided for all ten of us with unwavering dedication. You expected much from us, and while it was challenging at times, I now appreciate how it shaped us into hardworking and responsible adults.

Your disciplinary style instilled in me a sense of discipline and integrity that I carry with me every day. I admired how you were always on the move, rarely sitting around, and how productivity was a value you held dear. I see this trait in myself, sometimes to a fault. You endured life’s challenges without complaining, showing us the importance of perseverance and faithfulness.

Your love for God was evident in everything you did, and in your final years, your tender care for Mama was so beautiful to witness. Seeing your affection for her, despite not being very demonstrative when we were growing up, touched all of us deeply. It was a very sweet way for us to see you during that time.

I LOVE YOU, Daddy, and I look forward to seeing you once again.

With all my love,