She’s So Ballsy!

I LOVE to share my BALLSY treats with my BALLSY friends, who have impacted me in such a way, as to keep me moving forward, to be more and more BALLSY and BRAVE! My sweet friend Gerda who is fighting her way through dementia, and is a fierce advocate for this disease, is courageous and smart as she moves through her days.  My summer bucket list includes reading her story, Memory’s Last Breath! She’s strong, she’s kind, and she’s BALLSY!!!

Everyone has people who they look up to, who they aspire to, who teach without even knowing it. I’m grateful for each one! They are all woven in to my life and have left precious impressions on my heart! I have many who are this to me, but there is one that stands out, Gerda. She has dementia and is living her life TO THE FULLEST! In fact you could say……she’s BALLSY and I LOVE her!

It would be easy when we go through challenges, to curl up and feel sorry for ourselves. It would be easy to look at other people and think that they are lucky because they don’t have to go through what we do. It would be easy to be angry and mad at God that we have such a big plateful. But not Gerda! She has taken her situation and made the most of it. She has put her illness out there for all to learn from. She has learned to get around town on her own, and take in all that is around her! She is an ADVOCATE for the disease, and helps us all to understand more. I LOVE that she has taken it and made the most of it! BALLSY?? Yep…..she sure is! And for someone so BALLSY and brave she deserves a sweet treat!

BROOKSIDE Chocolates are delicious little dark chocolate balls with fruit-flavored centers. With flavors such as acai, pomegranate, and goji, BROOKSIDE uncovers the most interesting and delicious dark chocolate combinations. BROOKSIDE is a champion of ballsy women and I can think of no one more deserving of a tasty, tangy chocolate treat than my friend Gerda!

#BrooksideChocolate #ThatsBallsy #ad



10 thoughts on “She’s So Ballsy!

  1. Sorry to hear of your friend, but in no way invoking pity. Life is far from perfect, and God has a plan for us all. Realizing we are here for a reason and understanding why we are here, is a gift not privileged to all. Your friend is courageous. You are a good friend.

    1. Fully agree, God has a perfect plan for us, He wants to save us and be with us everyday.

  2. What a beautiful friendship in Gerda. God’s gone ahead and laid out His plan for her and she’s just walking it out! I had a downs brother who was my little love. People used to tell me he was so fortunate to have me. I corrected them and told them on the contrary it is I who is blessed by him. Shauna she’s definitely a light in your life. ??? Blessings.

    1. Definitely Dori….the brightest light! She has inspired and helped me in more ways than I can number! #blessing

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